The countryside residents of North Africa and Southeast Asia have multiple reasons for migrating out of the countryside and into the urban areas, most notably:
- Unemployment; people in this parts predominantly are either nomads or subsistence farmers, and they don't really have any options for employment.
- Bad infrastructure; these parts are heavily neglected because they are desertous parts and far from the coastlines, so there's no real interest for this parts by the governments and the infrastructure is on a miserable level.
- Little to no investments; investments in this parts are a relative unknown, there's no interest for this parts because the natural conditions are very bad, there's very few people living in this parts and as stated before the infrastructure is miserable, so no business man is interested to invest and thus help into the development of the region.
- Bad living conditions; the houses are made from natural material that doesn't last long, the landscape is shaped by deserts, the temperatures are extremely high, water and food are scarce...