Indians <u>are </u>known for their hospitality. They feel that guest is a person to be <u>honoured </u>and respected and <u>serving </u>him is a sacred duty. My mother <u>is</u> very particular about <u>keeping </u>things in their proper place, but the moment Mr. Narayan <u>arrived</u>, our guest room as well as our drawing room is in a total mess. He is very unsystematic and <u>throws </u>things here and there. As long as Mr. Narayan is in the house. our whole routine<u> is going to remain </u>upset.
Here, we need to pay attention to the tenses and voice of verbs.
The present simple tense (<em>are, throws</em>) is used to talk about habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
The past simple tense (<em>arrived</em>) is used to talk about actions that took place and finished in the past.
The construction <em>is going to + infinitive</em><em> (is going to remain) </em>can be used for predictions based on something we can see or hear now.
Gerunds (<em>serving, keeping</em>) are nouns derived from verbs by adding -ing.
The passive voice (<em>to be honored</em>) is used when we want to emphasize the action and the object of a sentence rather than the subject.
The first devices used for measuring the position of the Sun were shadow clocks, which later developed into the sundial. ... 3500 BC, are among the earliest shadow clocks. The oldest of all known sundials dates back to c. 1500 BC (during the 19th Dynasty), and was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 2013.
Answer: no matter what is done to the speaker and to her people, her power is such that "still, like dust, I'll rise." This simile suggests that the speaker is lighter than air, floating upward, above the "lies" of her oppressors. The poem is replete with similes. The speaker compares herself to "moons" and "suns" and describes herself as having "the certainty of tides," all images which suggest constancy and a capacity to stay the course and outlast naysayers. The speaker also uses figurative language to suggest that she behaves as if she is wealthier than she is, knowing that there is an internal, natural wealth inside her. She behaves "like I've got gold mines" and "like I've got oil wells," indicating that the speaker carries herself with the confidence of someone who has valuable natural resources, and knows it.
Latin for "friend of the court" is "amicus curiae." Amicus briefs, sometimes known as "amicus curiae briefs" informally, are legal briefs submitted to appellate courts by amicus curiae.
Are amicus curiae briefs effective ?
I have no doubt that the Supreme Court appreciates excellent amicus curiae filings despite its busy docket. Amicus filings give the Justices information and viewpoints that help them make decisions in complicated matters. The majority of the cases before this court, according to Justice Black, "involve issues that touch considerably more individuals than the immediate record parties" (346 U.S. 947).
These types of situations usually call for information that is beyond the disputants' knowledge to be resolved wisely. The conundrum has been that only specific sorts of affiliations frequently show up as court buddies. For instance, business organizations submit fewer amicus briefs than the issues merit.
To learn more about amicus curiae checkout the link below :
The basis of this argument is that verbs are conjugated only in the present and past tense. If we want to refer to the future, we have to use the auxiliary verb will, or the be going to phrase followed by the verb in present or past, or the present tense. Since in English, there is no change in the conjugation of the verbs for the future, some linguistics claim that there are two tenses (past and present) while others claim that there are three because we form the future tense with the addition of the auxiliary or use present simple or continuous.
Linguistics such as Quicker Al claims that there are two tenses, present, and past since they are expressed by inflections in their verbs, while future does not have inflections. There is no future tense, but there is future time. Time is related to our perception of reality, making the future subjective. On the other side, tense expresses when an action happens, taking into account the moment that the person is speaking. Linguistics such as Hatav or Klein claims three tenses' existence, past, present, and future. They state that we can refer to the future with the addition of the auxiliary verb will, or the phrase be going to, or the use of present simple, or continuous even though there is no specific inflection in the verb, as it happens in other languages like Portuguese or Spanish. They identify the future with the definition of tense.