C. demonstrate that their interpretations are both accurate.
When drafting an argumentative essay, a historian denies possible counterclaims to answer to arguments that could scrutinize his or her argument.
An argumentative essay is a kind of essay that performs arguments about both parties of a problem.
Counterargument introduces to an argument which contradicts earlier arguments and make the original position more accurate.
The composition of an argumentative essays incorporates: foundation, body, counterargument and a summing-up.
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After the colonial army victory at Saratoga, the British worked to bring the south under their control.
Recruited British loyalists to strike at the local patriot militias. Patriots near the frontiers rose up against the British led loyalists in bloody battles away from coastal strongholds.
the mass migration of African Americans out of the South continued. Black sharecroppers came North for industrial jobs, and they brought their music with them. This migration had a tremendous influence on blues, jazz, R&B and rock-n-roll
The decisions they make later apply to every similar situation everywhere in the country. For example, there was a case in which students wanted to wear armbands protesting the war, but the school said that was disruptive. The Supreme Court sided with the student, and said they had a right to free speech as long as it wasn’t causing a material interruption. This case would later be the example on how to solve many cases regarding student’s freedom of speech.