I wish I could help but it makes no sense to me :(((
Opisz krótko wybraną mniejszość narodową lub etniczną. W tym celu odpowiedz na podane pytania. Skorzystaj z dostępnych źródeł informacji.
• Gdzie znajduje się największe skupisko tej mniejszości?
• Jak liczna jest ta mniejszość?
• Czy opisywana mniejszość wydaje własną gazetę? Jeśli tak, jak brzmi jej tytuł?
• Czy przedstawiciele tej mniejszości organizują imprezy kulturalne? Kiedy i gdzie się one odbywają?
• Czy ta społeczność prowadzi własne szkoły? W jakim języku uczą się w nich dzieci?
• Jakiego wyznania są członkowie tej mniejszości? Czy utrzymują własne instytucje religijne?
• W jakich organizacjach działają przedstawiciele opisywanej społeczności?
Jak wygląda strój ludowy?
Tradycyjna potrawa narodowa (przepis)
Mr. Lewis believes that everything should be put out there for the world to see, he doesn't believe in keeping silent in the face of the crimes gangs are committing around the neighborhood.
Maverick believes in keeping silent and following the unwritten rule of the neighborhood about snitching.
Mr. Lewis doesn't believe in keeping silent in the face of the crimes gangs are committing around the neighborhood, he pointed out that unlike the rest of the neighborhood he isn't scared of king. As a war veteran he thinks the dangers he faced such as his prosthetic leg and the scar on his stomach "after some white boys cut me 'cause i drank from their fountain" are much more serious experiences compared to "King's games". "I done face a whole lot worse than some so-called king. Ain't nothing he can do but kill me, and if that's how how i gotta go for speaking the truth, that's how how i gotta go".
Mr. Lewis pointed out the relative absurdity of gangs compared to racial segregation and war, and how they lead to dissention within a community that must stick together in the face of oppression. He called out the way in which King uses silence and fear to control everyone in Garden Heights including Maverick.
Maverick calls Mr. Lewis crazy for snitching on live television, saying that "Man, you cant be going on live TV, snitching like that. You a dead man walking, you know that, right?". He believes in following the unwritten code of minding your own business and not snitching, to protect himself and his family.
Maverick was once a gang member and he knows how gangs work "Nah, but I know how the game work", so trying to live a clean life he thinks keeping silent and keeping his family safe is what is more important to him than doing what he knows isn't even going to change anything around the neighborhood.
Can you show the question because I don’t know what to respond
“whose origin was a Terminus.”
This is the phrase that works both as a paradox and as a pun. The paradox lies in the fact that the word "terminus" means "end." Therefore, it is a paradox to say that the origin was the end. Moreover, the phrase works as a pun because the word Terminus is being used as a name, but also as a way to reference a "terminal" (a train terminal).