8 - Subject: I | Verb: Learned
9 - Subject: I | Verb: Like | Adverb: Usually
10 - Subject: You | Verb: Pick (up)
Collected amount; the sentence is saying that dance costumes from over the years eventually busted out from her closet.
Answer: B. Use these tools with caution, and always check each citation to make sure it's correct.
There are various tools both online and in word softwares that can help a user generate citation. It does this through a set process however which, can lead to problems.
Some documents may need to be cited in a certain way that these tools would not recognize and so would give a wrong citation. This is why it is important to check every citation given by these tools to ensure it's accuracy.
The word tenderness means soft and a feeling of concern and gentleness. It refers to love and affection and warmth.
Whereas sentiments are known as feelings and emotions that one feels and like to show others.
Tenderness can be used as a sentiment because sentiments can be harsh and they can be soft. Sentiments can be positive and they can be negative.
Tenderness would fall when someone is so soft and bleak of heart that they cry when the other cries and feels what the other is going through, either happy or sad.