Prior because it means before
Andrew Oldham became their initial lifeline that would guide them through arguably, their most creative period
Andrew Oldham was the long term manager of the Rolling Stones who had been instrumental in the current formation of the band and had managed them into a major success.
By the time of 1967 most of the band was involved in a devastating drug abuse case and had been burnt out after the bad reviews of their last project.
This was accompanied by their own burnout with their rock style and Oldham then insisted that the band get back to their basic sound as a young band which they did and defined the sound of 70s popular rock.
When = adverb
Anadi = subject
instructed = verb
a = article
class = noun
To line up = verb
for = preposition
lunch = noun
and = preposition
recess = noun
Nina = subject
realized = verb
she = pronoun
had = verb
idea = noun
her = pronoun
Homework assignnment = noun
was = verb.
Adverbs are words that have the power to modify other grammatical classes, specifying them in relation to time, place and mode. In a few words we can say that adverb is an invariable word that indicates the circumstances where the verbal action was established.
Subject is the individual who is suffering or promoting the action of the verb.
Verb is the word that indicates an action, process, state or phenomenon of nature.
Article is the word that precedes the noun, identifying it in relation to the number.
Prepositions are words that make connections between sentences.