Hello! Some advice, please, from a person who is an upperclassman or has graduated from high school. I am currently taking four
AP classes this junior year, and I only took one last year. I’m four weeks into school and I already have an F in Calc AB and a C in Physics because I always fell asleep during notes. I get around two hours of sleep every night, partly because of the workload and partly because I get distracted while working. Because of that, I accidentally fall asleep in Calculus, so I sometimes don't take notes (which made me fail a math quiz...). I also recently started a job, which I think I’m going to have to quit because I don't have time to do homework after it. I know I can easily get at least a B if I apply myself, but my work ethic is lacking, and I don't know my limits. I don't want to drop any classes because I feel that I will get unmotivated in a lower level class. My drop date is in 5 days. I'm taking Lang, Calc, Physics 1, and APUSH, and I’d much rather drop Lang out of those four but it would be useless to since it has the least amount of homework anyway. Math homework takes at least 2 hours to do, but again, I don't want to drop it because it means I can't take AP Stats senior year. What should I do?
Hey, I know this is kinda rare but I’m a Sophomore in High School taking four AP classes also (AP: Bio, Physics, Com. Sci., and World History) It’s my first time having this work load, and it is pretty overwhelming at times.
For you, I’d say: do what benefits you the most. Always remember that time management is key. What ever you have time for is what you can do. You can talk to your counselor also. Especially, your teachers can help too. If you really do want to keep your classes, prioritize and do your best. I hope this helped a bit. Good luck :-) Best Wishes.