I’m not sure what to tell you :/
Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your reader
Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement
This suggests to your reader that you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish
Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant
Rephrase the thesis statement with fresh and deeper understanding
Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas
Your supporting sentences should summarize what you have already said in the body of your essay
If a brilliant idea tries to sneak into the final paragraph, you must pluck it out and let it have its own paragraph in the body, or leave it out completely
Your topic for each body paragraph should be summarized in the conclusion
Wrap up the main points
Your closing sentence should help the reader feel a sense of closure
Your closing sentence is your last word on the subject; it is your “clincher”
Demonstrate the importance of your ideas
Propel your reader to a new view of the subject
End on a positive note
Your closing sentence should make your readers glad they read your paper
It would be the "a. Social Security Administration" that was begun during the New Deal and still exists today, since many people rely on this in order to retire later in life.
Part of Everything you need to know about Israel-Palestine ... Many Arabs saw the influx of Jews as a European colonial movement, and the two peoples fought bitterly
Answer: C) Warfare with others.
The earliest known people of Oklahoma were Osage, Quapaq, Caddo Witchita, Waco Tawakony, Comanche, Apache and several other tribes. When the white men started to encroach upon their land it led to constant warfare. Which was a major cause for the decline in their population. Another factor was that they were uprooted to make Oklahoma available for White men after 1865.