U.S Department of Defense
(btw nazi party was around before the internet and ended before the internet therefor couldn't be that)
Hey there!
No, the internet is not a private place
I hope this helped! :-)
Answer: Live preview
The live preview feature enables to display the current slide with the design theme formatting applied with the mouse pointer. This feature is also available in digital cameras where the screen can be used as viewfinder.
INSERT INTO InvoiceCopy (VendorID, InvoiceTotal, TermsID, InvoiceNumber, PaymentTotal, InvoiceDueDate, InvoiceDate, CreditTotal, PaymentDate) VALUES(32, 434.58, 2, ‘AX-014-027’, 0.00, ‘11/8/06’, ‘10/21/06’, 0.00, NULL)
Answered below
//Python code
numberOfCasts = 3
j = 0
fishingPoints = 0
sum = 0
while j < numberOfCasts:
dieNum = randint(1 , 6)
if dieNum ==1:
fishingPoints = 2
elif dieNum == 2:
fishingPoints = 4
elif dieNum == 3:
fishingPoints = 6
elif dieNum == 4:
fishingPoints = 8
elif dieNum == 5:
fishingPoints = 10
elif dieNum ==6:
fishingPoints = 12
sum += fishingPoints
if sum > 30:
print ("Great catch")
elif sum > 10 and sum <= 30:
print("Good catch")
print ("Bad day")