A. The captain.
In Chapter XXVI of <em>Robinson Crusoe</em> by William Defoe, Robinson Crusoe saw a ship come towards his island and along with that, three captives being led to the island. On further investigation, he found out that the <em>"three prisoners"</em> were actually part of the ship's actual men, one of them being the captain of the ship. He even told Crusoe that he <em>"was commander of that ship, [his] men have mutinied against [him]"</em>.
So, the man <em>"with tears running down his face, and trembling" </em>was the captain of the ship. He told Crusoe how his men had mutinied against him and two of his men, and were now captives at the hands of the mutineers. Thus, the given passage or lines is a description of the captain who was happy and grateful to Crusoe for coming to their aid and saving their lives from the captors.
Journal of Professions and Organization
that's the ans.
Blight means ruin and disaster. Words and phrases that indicate and support this meaning are: "the last bitter hour" (denoting death), "stern agony, and shroud, and pall" (also denoting death, but this time in an even more literal way), "breathless darkness", "make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart" (these phrases definitely imply a disaster that takes our breath away).
1. Shopping scam is when a group of people (scammers) pretend to be reliable sellers , they either put the products in different prices or promises something else in return.
2. The warning could be that the price of the products are different from others places for example if you have seen that product somewhere else and the price is nothing the same as that site you should realize what’s happening. Also if the online store for example ask you for unusual pay methods.
3. Something you could do is read the reviews if it contains, check the privacy policy and the information of the website check if it has enough information about the contributors and site in general.
4. You should report the scam, talk to your bank and see what can be done and after that secure your accounts change(reset) passwords.
Hope it helps:)
Indecisive Man
Losing Santity
Slowly going Mad
these were the best I could come up with
hope this helped