You could say:
Being an adult gives you freedom. It allows you to be your own person and chase you own dreams. You can go wherever you want to go without anyone telling you no!(lol that rhymed). As an adult you can do things you were never able to do as a child. Like wearing what you want to wear, buying a living space, and saying what you feel you should say.
In line 3 and 4, breeze and trees rhyme.
In line 8 and 9, roar and shore rhyme.
In the second stanza, the poet describes the number of daffodils. ... 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' is one of the most pleasing poem by William Wordsworth which illustrates the beautiful nature and how nature's beauty have the power to brighten up a person's mood.
I thought about my decision a hundred times before writing this letter.
Flashback - a literary device often employed to recall a previous event or memory in a character's mind. This device allows for background knowledge to be expanded for events that do not take place chronologically in the story arc. Often are used in first person point of view.