I want to say either diaries or fashion magazines. Diaries are much more story like and could be a little lathered up for lack of a better word. However I would go with fashion magazines, which talk about whatever's popular at the time, giving you a quick general outlook on the time period.
1. feels sorry for the other man, <span>is a decent person
Answer: third-person omniscient
Explanation: In the third person point of view, the narrator is someone outside the story, who frequently uses pronouns, like 'he,' 'she,' and 'they,' to describe the characters.
The third-person omniscient point of view is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters in the story. The third-person is not the same as the third-person limited, a point of voice that adheres closely to one character's perspective, usually the main character's.
do you have a question
you need to ask a question
since there is no word bank I'm taking guesses here
1) pajamas
2) boots
3) costume
4) piercings
5) ??? ice/icepack???
6) purse or bag