Answer; C
Economic hardship created by the Great Depression.
These economic woes were exacerbated by harsh reparations imposed by the Allies.
Communism is a system based around a theory equality and advocates for a classless society, while fascism is a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.
In Communism Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property while in Fascism,there is <span>Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership</span>
The Aztec Empire was a civilization located in western South America (The Andes) And the Spanish invaded the Aztecs and annexed them.
<u>These two quotes pronounced by President Herbert Hoover, express his viewpoint on the Great Depression</u> and his opinion about the different formulas adopted to overcome it:
- <em>"Let me remind you that credit is the lifeblood of business, the lifeblood of prices and jobs.
- <em>"You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily life of a people without somewhere making it master of people's souls and thoughts.… Every step in that direction poisons the very roots of liberalism. It poisons political equality, free speech, free press, and equality of opportunity. It is the road not to more liberty but to less liberty."</em>
Hoover became one of the main detractors of Roosevelt's New Deal which, based on Keynesian economics, fostered goverment interventionism in order to boost the depressed demand levels as the mechanism to create employment and economic growth. Such interventionism was materialized by increasing public spending.
In opposition, supporters of free markets and<em> laisez-faire</em> economic policies, such as Hoover, criticized this recovery plan because they believed that markets on their own would reach the most efficient outcomes and that the country would get innecessarily indebted. Moreover, they believed that the situation would be worsened by interventionist policies that hampered certain individual liberties.
True; the romans and roman government were generally tolerant of other religions
In 1905 Japan gained a lot of respect by other countries, including the Western superpowers as it defeated Russia in the 1905 Ruso-Japanese war and came out victorious; although the scale was small in conflict compared to what happened in a decade.