- First of all, when you are writing a letter you should write your full address, including your zip code and then the address of your sister. You should also write the date and then you can start with:
Dear sister Maya,
I am writing to you because I know that this is a hard time for you. You are strong and you should be aware of your good manners.
Our parents were always proud of you and they trust you a lot, you should trust them too. I think that you must sit down with yourself and think about this situation.
You were always special and smart, so I am suggesting you act smartly now. I know that you want to act like that but don't. I think that it will be best for all of us.
Anna M.
Early poems were written in meter first of all to distinguish them from prose, from everything written like a text.
Also, usually these poems were sung as songs, using various musical instruments, so meter was important when it came to rhythm.
The changing weather highlights the wisdom of one character's choices and the foolishness of another character's choices.
Malcolm X was a radical black power leader whose prominent role in the Nation of Islam was highly controversial. He justified the use of power to liberate blacks from their second-class status because of the historical failure of peaceful attempts previously.
He was raised in a neighborhood and a climate of violence; he saw less issue with taking it up in the name of a rightful cause. And this is definitely arguable, although personally I think he was in the right as well. MLK Jr had a bigger perspective, and Malcolm X could only remember the past and think back to its failures: think about Booker T's Atlanta Compromise in comparison with WEB DuBois.
Walt Whitman's intense patriotism caused him to volunteer in hospitals