what is the argument? i don't understand :(
ya i speak 3 languages
1. english
2. japanese
ya i feel lucky i can speak them
im fluent in japanese and english but not korean ive been lerning it for 3 years only :(((((((((((((((
english over spanish
because i feel like english is easier but people who speak spanish are sooo talentedddd :))
1. ??, a Milano
2. in Italia
3. in bicicletta
4. a casa
5. Con chi?, alla montagna, con Anna e Chiara
6. il treno, l'areo
7. in classe, in biblioteca
8. vicino
9. Per chi, per
10. Per chi, per
11. a casa, in biblioteca
12. in estate
13. a un
14. a Milano, a Bologna
15. a Venezia
16. a pomeriggio?
17. vicino
18. a
19. alla montagna con i miei amici
20. in compagna, in citta'
In terms of locations, cities are ALWAYS "a ___". Countries are ALWAYS "in ____"
When a warm front passes through, the air becomes noticeably warmer and more humid than it was before. ... On colored weather maps, a warm front is drawn with a solid red line. There is typically a noticeable temperature change from one side of the warm front to the other.
Write an essay of at least 400 words, in which to present particularities of a studied narrative text, belonging to Mihail Sadoveanu, please