The raising of the real wage of England (due to the shortage of labour as a result of the reduction in population), a trait shared across Western Europe, which in general led to a real wage in 1450 that was unmatched in most countries until the 19th or 20th century.
Answer: "A protected tradition may be a gathering for the reason of composing a unused structure or reexamining an existing structure. Individuals of a protected tradition (some of the time alluded to as "delegates" to a protected tradition) are frequently, in spite of the fact that not fundamentally or completely, chosen by well known vote."
can I have brainliest????
Lack of relocation facilities,limited number of military zones, and concerned about the American economy.
Answer is dhsjdishebebdisndbdkdndidneoebdidbd
Answer: Joseph Jones, a delegate from Virginia, wrote to George Washington on February 27, 1783 regarding the national debt, “Every class of public creditors must know the inability of Congress to pay their, demands, unless furnished with the means by the several States…” The Congress' problems with the states were not limited