A cheese burger is stacked like an essay or writing
Top bun is the intro
The meat and toppings are your body paragraph full with reasons and evidence supporting your topic
The bottom bun is your conclusion
There are several basic types of resumes you can use to apply for job openings. You can choose to write a chronological, functional, combination, or a targeted resume. Each resume type is used for different purposes. Therefore, when deciding which type of resume to use, you have to think about your current circumstances.
Answer: Outline your steps to take action, know what supplies or things you may need and choose one of your ideas(or more) to act upon.
1)he tied 3 sheep together using willow from the cyclops bed.
2) put his men under the middle one.
3) then he got under the fattest one himself.
Irony is a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens. This mostly refers to situational irony, but can relate to other types of irony as well. Situational irony means that the opposite of what was expected actually happens.