Travelling is a great way of spending your time because it enrichens your personal experience. If you travel with a tourist agency (or even if you travel without one) you're helping the tourism of a certain area/country. With helping them, you're also creating more money for them which means they can invest more money into creating even more desirable touristic adventures. This circle can then be repeated multiple times :)
Part 1 – Mastering Story Structure
Part 2 – Freytag's Pyramid
Part 3 – The Hero's Journey
What is the Hero’s Journey?
The 12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey
Free Infographic: The Hero’s Journey Template
Looking beyond the Hero’s Journey
Part 4 – Three-Act Structure
Part 5 – The Dan Harmon Story Circle
Part 6 – The Fichtean Curve
Part 7 – Save the Cat
Part 8 – The 7-Point Story Structure
Ever notice that many stories seem to have a similar pattern? There’s always a protagonist who goes on an adventure, makes new friends, encounters roadblocks, fights a bad guy, and returns home a changed person. In fact, we can sum it up for you in two words: Hero’s Journey.
The maasai tribe lives in Africa, where they care of their sons and daughter their cattle , and the sky god Enkai by feeding and protecting them.
"Poetry should convey truthful content and emotion." I just took the test :)