Men and women in this time fought not for fame or recognition, but because they felt it was their patriotic duty.
<h2>Second World War </h2>
- World War
, also known as the Second World War was a global conflict that took place between
. The vast majority of countries in the world, including all of the great powers, formed two competing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis forces. - Those who lived during and fought in World War
have been referred to as "The Greatest Generation. " because men and women in this time fought not for fame or recognition, but because they felt it was their patriotic duty.
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This plan was created by the German Gererals in the first world war to wage a succesful double war front. This plan firstly involved attacking France and Beljium.
The First Crusade which was in 1096, was the only successful Crusade.