You are Albert's son or Albert is your father. Simply we need to analyze first the situation.
You are a male, which makes you X.
Your son if Y.
Your son's father is Z
Albert's son is A.
Let's say that your son's father (Z) is you (X) because it is your son, so that makes it X = Z or Z = X.
Next, Albert's son is your son's father. so we all know that son's father is just equal to X which is you, that means that A, Albert's son, your son's father (Z) and you (X) are all equal.
Therefore, you are Albert's son, Albert is your father. Albert is your son's grandfather, and your son is Albert's grandchild.
There aren't any statements shown but I think i can help with the second part, artists in different times and places are influenced by the different things around them and by what is happening during that time.
For an example of different places; an artist at a beach would be more likely to draw the beach than an artist in a forest and the same way reversed.
An example of different times; an artist in the 1700s would portray people wearing different clothes than an artist would portray today.
I believe it is Sonny Rollins, I hope that helps you.