New York is an Urban community. Urban communities generally have high population densities as well as a large number of commercial buildings, houses, roads etc. A suburban community is generally located in the outskirts of a city or urban neighborhood. These generally have more houses and less commercial buildings and the like. Lastly a rural community is located outside the urban community and has a low population density.
B. It may include directions that explain what the stage should look like or how characters should behave on stage.
Hope this helped!
The Implementation of carpools.
Cooperative involvement, especially in the organization of the Montgomery Bus Boycott by civil rights leaders was also a major factor that contributed to the protest’s success. As asserted, the arrest of Rosa Parks sparked an outrage especially among African Americans living in Montgomery. Seeing this as an opportunity, civil rights leaders worked together in an effort to organize one of the largest mass protest movements in the United States. The Women’s Political Council (WPC), organized the start of the protests during early hours of the morning. Aside from this, activist JoAnn Robinson and the women of the WPC engaged in the distribution of the leaflet that detailed the boycott campaign by establishing distribution routes and disseminating tens of thousands of the respective manuscript across Montgomery. Additionally, meetings organized by civil rights leaders, such as Martin Luther King, were also instrumental in establishing a unified mass protest movement as evidenced by the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Imperfect,broken, faulty.
People have unalienable rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
This is one of the major ideas and philosophies from the Englightenment Era that inspired the founding fathers and DOI.