Before the election of 1912, there were actually two major parties that fought the elections. There were also a few small parties in thiose elections that were quiet insignificant. before the 1912 elections, the Republican party split into two parts and one of the section named it the Progressive party. They both carried certain amount of votes. This splitting actually helped the Democrats. Although at that time the Democrats did not have any chance of winning the presidential elections, but the splitting of the Republican Party helped them to win the election of 1912.
The sherwal is the existing traditional costume and survival of Lebanon is the most common and practical garment between the villagers and the people of the mountain. The people of Lebanon also use labbade, an old cap that could be worn as long ago as the Phoenician period.
El cuentro El armario de Thomas Mann narra la historia de Albrecht van der Qualen, un viajero solitario y taciturno el cual no repara en detalles minúsculos de la vida ni le gusta saber en qué ciudad, día o estación se encuentra.La historia comienza cuando Albrecht se despierta de un sueño fugaz en un tren, desorientado. Cuenta como no sabe dónde se encuentra y el placer que esto le proporciona. Al darse cuenta que tal vez pueda estar en una parte de Alemania, Albrecht se baja del tren en búsqueda de un lugar para dormir. Se dirige a una posada gerenciada por una extraña anciana, quien le muestra la habitación en donde se estará quedando. Dicha habitación solo consta de una cama y una armario, lo cual era suficiente para Albrecht. En un punto de la noche, Albrecht se da cuenta que en el armario vive una criatura humana femenina totalmente desnuda, que empieza a contarle historias. El narrador da a entender que Albrecht nunca se mudó de esa posada, ya que había sido encantado por la criatura.
According to the treaty of versellias Germany was expected to pay the damages in world war 1.
The Treaty of Versellias was signed in 1919. The treat required Germany to pay almost 33 billion US dollars for reparations and covering the civilian damage done in the war. Germany was considered to be the cause of World War 1 and so had to pay a heavy debt or fine for the same.
Germany was however not in a condition to pay such a huge sum and the payment meant a financial crisis for the economy of Germany. The Treaty was also considered to be a cause of the Second World War.
I think Africa but i could be wrong