An ancient Greek historian named Herodotus called Egypt the "Gift of the Nile" because the Egyptian people depended on the great river. Each year, the Nile would overflow its banks and flood the land. When the flood subsided, it left behind bits of soil and plant life called silt that was rich in nutrients and allowed the people of Ancient Egypt to grow crops on the land. Most people lived near the Nile River as the land beyond was the Sahara Desert. Egypt's northern border is the Mediterranean Sea.
Ultimately no actual cause of death was reported, only that Mr. Bloom died in his home in Chicago in 1999.
The rule of Pericles was simply a period of time after the Persian Wars, where Athens was trying to recoup from the war. Oftentimes, this was used to build up the treasury to ensure that Athens would return back to its originally glorious state.
Patricians never allowed plebeians to influence the government
plebeians couldn't hold public office