These ten Amendments were introduced to the American Congress in 1789. The purpose of these 10 Amendments is to protect the individuals of the United States–protect their rights to property, their natural rights as individuals, and limit the Government's power over the citizens.
Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation between black and white people. The court case "Plessy Vs Ferguson" was trying to please people by enforcing the "separate but equal" law. Basically, they wanted to make the two races separate, but they thought it would be fine as long as both places were the same in quality and quantity.
To sum it up, Jim Crow Laws were to separate the two, but black people were given schools that weren't as good, trashy bathrooms, etc. It was also made to make sure that black people could not go some places on certain days, or at all. The "Plessy vs Ferguson" case was to try to make it better by separating the races, but having both bathrooms the same and both schools the same so none is better than the other.
I hope I helped.
France defeated the Arabs in the Battle of Tours
<span> Hitler marched his troops into the Rhine, the Sudetenland, the rest of Czechoslovakia, and Austria over the protests of Britain, France, and the US. On Sept. 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, thereby starting WW2 in Europe. The Poles fought valiantly against Hitler's forces; when they took refuge behind the Vistula River, and it seemed they could hold on until the arrival of the British and French, Stalin entered the war and invaded Poland from the east. About 2 weeks later it was all over for the Poles. </span>
<span>Stalin also invaded Finland on the flimsy pretext of protecting his northern frontier. The Finns, although outnumbered and outgunned, held off the Soviets for several months. </span>
<span>Japan annexed Korea in 1910. The militarists of Japan also invaded Manchuria (China) in 1933, trying to create what they called the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere." In their delirious minds, they thought that Asia would thrive if all of it was under their rule. The rest of Asia disagreed. Japanese brutality in Manchuria caused the US to enact a trade embargo against Japan. The Japanese used the embargo as an excuse for the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, thereby precipitating America's entry into WW2. </span>
It's a big giant piece of paper with a lot of people's names on it and basically tells the first ten human rights.