Musicians use a time signature to specify the number of beats in a measure (also called a bar).
Climate change, pollution, I can’t think of anything else rn I’m sorry
I can only answer some, but you'll have to answer the others. I already answered the 1st and 2nd question previously.
6. What is pigment?
It is basically another word for color. Having a move fancy definition though: a pigment is the natural color of an animal or plant tissue
8. What are the three primary colors?
Red, Yellow, and Blue
9. Why is violet called a secondary color?
Secondary colors are created mixing primary colors. Since red and blue make violet, it makes violet a secondary color.
I hope this helped you! If you need any more help, please ask me.
What does this person want me to think or believe
Make sure any facts they provide are true.
People will have differing views about a topic.