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His first National Park was Crater Lake National Park. Roosevelt was always known as the Conservation President.
Between April 1775 and March 1776, a Continental Army force superior in numbers but raw and undisciplined, laid siege to the citiy of Boston, where a 6,500-troop garrison was entrenched. There was a stalemate that lasted for months. On March 4, 1776, General George Washington took Dorchester Heights and from there he trained his canons on the city and the harbor. The British commander, Gen. William Howe, had to evacuate the city by ship and the siege came to an end.
On this day in 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared illicit drugs to be a threat to U.S. national security.
Richard M. Nixon, the president who popularized the term “war on drugs,” first used the words in 1971. However, the policies that his administration implemented as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 dated to Woodrow Wilson’s presidency and the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914. This was followed by the creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930.