Answer: TRUE.
Explanation: "Glory" is an optical phenomenon caused by water droplets, consisting of concentric rings and somewhat similar to a rainbow.
The glory consists of one or more concentric, successively dimmer rings, each of which is red on the outside and bluish towards the centre.
In order to see a glory, therefore, the clouds or fog causing it must be located below the observer, in a straight line with the Sun/Moon and the observer's eye.
Colored rings appearing surrounding the shadow of an aircraft flying above a cloud is sometimes called The Glory of the Pilot.
The Central American Vegetation/Land Cover Classification and Conservation Status consists of GIS coverages of vegetation classes (forests, woodlands, savannas, shrubs, grasslands, wetlands, rocks, sand, soils, inland waters, parks and reserves) for Central America, derived from 1-kilometer resolution Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery. This data set is produced by Proyecto Ambiental Regional de Centroamerica/Central America Protected Areas Systems (PROARCA/CAPAS), a conservation partnership of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), International Resources Group, Ltd. (IRG), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Winrock International (WI), and is distributed by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).

The length of LM is twice as the length of QR and the length of MN is twice as the length of RS. By Pythagorean theorem, the length of LN is twice as the length of QS. Then,
distance and angle such that points equally distant from a fixed. point lie on a line and lines making a given angle with a fixed line pass. through a point. On account of this property we have called this. distance linear.