Whole numbers are positive numbers without decimals. First, list all the whole number factors of 36:
1 and 36
2 and 18
3 and 12
4 and 9
6 and 6
Next, see which one of those pairs has the highest sum:
The greatest possible sum the numbers can have is 37.
Hope this helps!!
I think it is in three(3) day
Answer: 2500
Step-by-step explanation:
a) 3x5³
b) 75
Step-by-step explanation:
a) find the Prime factors of 375 by dividing your number by prime numbers (you answers must be whole) use a factor tree to help you
a) do the same to 150
one you have you answers in this case we have
375- 3x5x5x5
150 - 2x3x5x5
you collect all the like terms, this will be 3x5x5 then you just simply multiply it And it gives you 75