The accurate comparison is that from Beowulf's perspective, Grendel is a villain, but from Grendel's perspective, Hrothgar and the D**es are the villains.
<h3>Why do Grendel and Beowulf disagree about who the Visions are?</h3>
- Beowulf believes that Grendel is the villain because he causes the suffering of humans.
- Grendel believes that humans are the villains because it was they who invaded Grendel's region and tried to expel him.
Grendel is not a harmless creature and for that reason, when he feels threatened and has his habitat invaded by humans, he attacks them furiously and violently.
This shows that to Grendel, he is innocent, but to Beowulf and the other humans, Grendel is the villain.
Learn more about Beowulf:
He asked me where was Raj live .
Hope it helps
The definition "Instruments of communication that reach large audiences with no personal contact..." refers to mass media, as is explained in detail below.
<h3>What is mass media?</h3>
Let's analyze each word of the term "mass media" to better understand it:
- Media - plural of medium; refers to the means or tools we use to do or achieve something.
- Mass - refers to a large group of people.
Therefore, the term "mass media" describes tools that affect a very large group of people. Since the term is used in contexts referring to communication, we can say it describes a means of communication that reaches a lot of people at the same time.
An example of mass media is the television. A show is produced somewhere in the world, then it is broadcast to countless people all over the globe.
Learn more about mass media here:
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