In a democracy, the main function of the media is to inform the people about everything that is of public interest, and to keep an eye on the branches of government: the president, the congress, and the judiciary.
Human rights violations are either caused by the government, or by other citizens (for example, a gang or a mafia cartel). In both cases, the media has the responsability to cast light on the cases, to inform them to the citizens, and to denounce them. This action is of great importance for democracy, because when human rights are violated, democracy is either in danger, or disappearing.
The translator is an author, a writer who does not start writing from scratch, but from a text written in a language that he has to translate into a different language, adapting it at the same time. The translator not only has to transfer the lexical and syntactic aspect, in fact, a set of words, although well constructed at the syntactic level is not enough, it is not very comprehensible and will lack that "something" that every good translator has to give to the text . The fact that a translated text must remain faithful to the meaning of the original text, without compromising the linguistic norms of the target language, is a key principle of translation, more or less shared by everyone. From this principle all the considerations of the translator and the translation techniques that he chooses are based or have to be based. The translator, as far as possible, has to try to overcome the obstacle of double translation and try to make his version as similar as possible to the original. A so-called "bridge language" is sometimes used.
If the appositive phrase is needed to define the meaning of a noun then <u>don't use a comma</u>, if the appositive phrase defines enough where it can stand by it's self alone then <u>use commas around it.</u>