The correct answer is B. Anticipated.
The word "foreseeable", commonly used in the English language in the past and nowadays in disuse, refers to an event or situation that can be anticipated and anticipated by the speaker. Thus, a "foreseeable event" is a situation that the narrator identifies as possible in the future, declaring it as likely to occur with certainty and, therefore, anticipating it.
It is common to feel abandoned when you are left alone.
Archerfish typically inhabit coastal brackish mangrove estuaries. They exist in either brackish or fresh water. Due to their feeding habits, they are most often found in shallow, preferably murky, waters.
Habitat/range: They can be found in India, New Guinea, Australia, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.
The one ingredient that helps, but is not necessary to an effective speech delivery, is that it is the result of the speaker's natural talent and gift.
With proper preparation and a healthy dose of courage, anyone can be an effective public speaker. The important elements are that message delivery is impactful, the speech is influential towards the audience, and that audience expectations are met or exceeded. Natural talent helps, but thorough preparation and careful speech planning go much farther towards an effective speech.
I think the most helpful way to create a more formal and professional tone is to eliminate the informal language.
The paragraph has phrases like "<em>off the hook</em>", or homeless "<em>peeps</em>" that are not accurate for a formal request. If those words or phrases are changed for more formal ones, the whole request will sound more serious and important.