L-dopa is effective against Parkinson's, but its enantiomer D-dopa is not. An enantiomers drug may not be equally effective. The enantiomer, in chemistry, is one of two stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other that are non-superposable, much as one's left and right hands are the same except for being reversed along one axis. It is also known as an optical isomer.
That would be trading and farming.
prevent them from interfering with state courts
- The constitution limits the jurisidiction of the federal court so as to prevent its interferance to state courts.
- Section two of article three of the constitution, defines the jurisidiction of the federal court in terms of its scope and the cases it can handle. This prevents a possible collision between the state and federal laws.
- The constitution,has been amended over time by the congress to limit the jurisdiction of the federal court.