During the first half of the 1800s, U.S. troops waged war with the region's Native American population. During the Civil War, Florida was the third state to secede from the Union. Beginning in the late 19th century, residents of Northern states flocked to Florida to escape harsh winters.
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White Southerners defended the institution of slavery on a several fronts. They stated that it was necessary especially for the economy, They argued that slaves were the only ones who could do the needed work to grow tobacco (and later cotton). The Southerners also argued that there was no reason to cinsider that slavery was immoral. They appealed to three sources to support this claim. First, they looked to Biblical times. They pointed out that there was slavery in the Old Testament and the New Testament and that Jesus never spoke against the practice. Second, they looked at classical antiquity. They claimed that the Greeks and the Romans counted on slaves Finally, they looked to the time of the Founding Fathers. They stated that the people who wrote the Constitution also had slaves.
The Good Neighbor policy. This foreign policy was done under the administration of the United States President Franklin Roosevelt. This policy was designed by the administration to improve relationship with the countries of Latin Americans.
Factory conditions were so bad because they didn't have the technology nor the knowledge we have today to run a decent factory. the owners were concerned about profits then a worker's safety. and since workers rights weren't written at the time, the owners got to treat the workers howecer they pleased.