The answer is impeachment
Junto Group also known as Leather Apron Club, was started in 1727 by Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin and his 12 friends used to discuss politics & natural philosophy in this group. Union Fire Company is also created by Junto group. They launched various public projects and started first lending library was started. Junto group started Pennsylvania Hospital. Adding to that they created American Philosophical Society. This was started way back in 1743 and still functioning.
Democrat<span> vs. </span>Republican<span>. This </span>comparison<span> examines the</span>differences between<span> the policies and political positions of the</span>Democratic and Republican<span> parties on major issues such as taxes, the role of government, entitlements (Social Security, Medicare), gun control, immigration, healthcare, abortion and gay rights.</span>
"<span>American President Woodrow Wilson despised the new regime, referring to it as a “government of butchers,” and provided active military support to a challenger, Venustiano Carranza."
Jefferson was one of four presidential candidates. ... Jefferson was not alone in believing that the election of 1800<span> was crucial. On the other side, Federalist</span>Alexander Hamilton<span>, who had been George Washington's secretary of treasury, believed that it was a contest to save the new nation from “the fangs of Jefferson.”</span>