In the myth of Oedipus, Oedipus is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta. King Laius knew of a prophecy in which his son would end up killing him, which led to him abandoning him to die on a mountainside. However, he was adopted, and when he grew older, he killed his biological father (without knowing his identity). After confronting the Sphinx and defeating it, Oedipus earned the hand of the widowed Queen, Jocasta, who was his biological mother. Upon realizing what had happened, many years later, Oedipus blinds himself. The irony is that when Oedipus became able to "see" the truth, it led him to lose the ability to "see" literally.
In most stories, the hero is the most common person you can imagine, but then some mentor tells him or her that he or she is special. Or in some other cases, an accident, incident or experiment changes them into a stronger being.