I would say Anagnorisis. This means when a character makes a critical discovery, in this case he finds out he was sleeping with his mom and killed his father. It also means a change in what a person stood for. He stood for finding who was the killer, and cursed him, only to find out its him.
La respuesta correcta es computadoras, ya que la oración afirmativa dice que es efectivamente posible: “Se puede comprar muchas computadoras en el mercado de Chichicastenango”. Por la información expuesta no se puede saber mucho más puesto que es limitada. Sin embargo, frente a las opciones de computadoras, artesanías, sacerdotes y Tuk-tuks, la respuesta más acertada sería “Computadoras”.
Answer: C) difficult to put up with or accept
hay mate,here is your answer, what happened to your car.
Hope it's help you .
I personally prefer in person learning.
I have a short attention span to things I already know or don't care much about. It gives way to hands on learning and science class kinda sucks without hands on.