It was geographically large, had tributary states, and was prosperous
The Warren Court made rulings that were controversial at the time but continue to shape American society.
Freedom of speech, religion, press, bearing arms
The given state in the question is correct in many ways.
Religion played a fundamental role in Medieval Society. The clergy or church officials were most influenced people in medieval society. The Church officials like cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and abbots who ca from nobility vied from church positions and accumulated wealth. Church officials educated as they read Latin and had avast control over education and charity.
The church was the head of the society as they made rules and regulations and controlled people. People life depended on church teaching as it played a vital role in providing peace and salvation from suffering and sins.
Treaty of Greenville, also called Treaty of Fort Greenville, (August 3, 1795), settlement that concluded hostilities between the United States and an Indian confederation headed by Miami chief Little Turtle by which the Indians ceded most of the future state of Ohio and significant