took Tito to the marine Gate where
Ged and Ogion.
The first character is Ged who is a powerful magician and dragonlord. He has scars on left cheek and shoulder and has a red-brown skin. Ged was born in the village of Ten Alders which is located on the island of Gont, while on the other hand, Ogion is an forgiving, soft, and understanding man. He is a wise magician who understands the passion and foolishness of youth. His initial sense of Ged's powerful potential never fail, and he continues to support his former learner even years after Ged leaves his side.
A machine that seperated cottenseeds from the plant fibers
It means "full of conflict"
The context of the sentence shows that their 'good friendship' stands in contrast to the 'tempestous' nature of the relationship.
Hence, the contextual meaning of tempestuous here will be It means "full of conflict".