Just add proper grammar!
Look, it's a great poem don't get me wrong.
But proper punctuation and grammar is always a little bit more attractive and appealing to our eyes.
Let me run my eyes over it really quick and make any adjustments.
Final Draft:
Roses are red, violets are blue, The way you smile makes me swoon. Your eyes are bright, your eyes they are, but I know you shall never be mine. The days are gray, the days are sad, on the day that you have passed I wish I could tell you how I feel but you would only think of me as unreal. So today, as I weep, knowing you love me, I can finally get some sleep.
Glad I could help!!
Life is a constant battle of dealing with a struggle, an addiction, perhaps pressure from so many sides. At some point in my life, I had to deal with at least one of these. Mine was low self-esteem. I had to constantly seek validation from others; despite my intelligence and drive for success. I appreciated the approval of people to run my life. Along life's way, I encountered a lot of people that took advantage of my vulnerability. I came to realize that people you meet always have a role to play in your life. I silently battled with my struggle until I met this individual (Mark), who on one of my insecure days told me that I did well at a particular presentation which seemed not perfect to me.
Unknown to me, he was my new Lecturer. His words meant a lot to me. The words of encouragement was a great deal because it was needed at that time. His words shaped me into a better person because I started to believe in my abilities. His words still resonate in my mind " do not fidget, always keep your chin up, you have got this, you are the best".
The most difficult part of the learning experience was when I failed a subject. I would constantly switch to my former self while trying to be strong. I would cry myself to sleep. I read my books overnight and spent hours in the Library during school hours. I just wanted to be the best. I had to double my efforts when I did not get the grades I wanted. I realized i was very intelligent and that the fears within made me fail so many times.
My proudest achievment in my life so far would be getting into the #1 high school in my state.