Wrong question category, please select Mathematics instead of History.
They were similar because with olfactory lethargy you have a delay in detecting a new smell because your receptors are overworked from a previously heavy smell, the same thing appear with afterimage, you stare at a color and your cones become lethargy, thus showing an afterimage of another color. they were contrasting because one deals with olfactory bulbs and the other deals with occipital lobes and optic nerves.
Absolutely true! With the invention of steam power, a new source of energy was formed, and in return paved the way for more machinery to be built using this power.
A) To determine how slaves would be counted toward state populations
The 3/5 Compromise was an agreement between the northern and southern US states to figure out how they would count slaves in the population.
It stated that 3/5 of the slave populations would be counted to determine seats in the House of Representatives and electoral votes.
I believe it was the Enlightenment.