Media coverage gives voters an impression of the candidates.
Because much of media coverage comes in very brief news segments and even short "sound bites," it tends to provide an impression of the candidates, without necessarily providing in-depth presentation and analysis of their views. This varies, of course, depending on which "media" you have in mind with the question. Committed news organizations which employ highly skilled journalists will do deeper pieces on candidates and their views or policies -- see, for instance, articles in The New York Times or Washington Post or The Atlantic.
There are many new forms of media--such as social media websites and politically-aligned cable networks--where people can go to get biased perspectives and be told how to vote or not to vote. But the most respected media outets strive to present a full picture and cover all candidates. Still, because most voters will watch or read only portions of news media coverage, the best answer is that media tends to give voters an impression of candidates -- which sometimes is less complete than the full picture.
The answer is going to be c. Populism
The Querechos or Apaches.
The Wichitas fought wars with other tribes. They didn't fight over territory, but instead to prove their courage. Some tribes the Wichitas frequently fought and consider their <em>enemies</em> were the Apaches.
During the end of the Spanish rule, the Apaches staged constant attacks against the Spanish missions. But as de 1700s wore on, they found themselves subject to attacking from the fearsome Comanches. Eventually, they entered an on-again, off-again relationship with the Spanish, sometimes warring and attacking, other times <em>allying with the Spanish</em> against the Comanches and other enemies. Those peace efforts with the Spanish resulted in the establishment of Spanish missions.
Answer: El decreto unió las raíces judeo-cristianas del continente europeo con la cultura greco-romana. Hasta el Concilio de Nicea, en el año 325, las iglesias cristianas eran incendiadas, quienes profesan la religión cristiana eran perseguidos y su patrimonio era confiscado. Particularmente bajo el emperador Diocleciano se intensificó la persecución cristiana. Diocleciano quería revivir los viejos cultos paganos y que éstos se convirtieran en la religión del imperio. Pero su política anticristiana fracasó y fue eliminada por su sucesor, el emperador Constantino. El aparato militar y el administrativo funcionaban bien en el Imperio Romano. Una zona de libre comercio había impulsado el bienestar económico. Los habitantes de Roma gozaban de derechos civiles, lo que promovía una creciente cohesión entre la población, sin embargo, no había libertad religiosa.
Mayan Government. The Mayans developed a hierarchical government ruled by kings and priests. They lived in independent city-states consisting of rural communities and large urban ceremonial centers. There were no standing armies, but warfare played an important role in religion, power and prestige.
<u><em>This is from the internet, this is not information which I wrote myself.</em></u>