Credit is a card in which you can spend more and have to pay back the money, debt is where you can only spend the money you have in a card
By the early 2000s, Japan was Taiwan's third largert trading partner
From rocks being added together over time
When rocks deform by plastic deformation they can bend and fold. The process of folding occurs when rock is compressed, as it is along colliding plate boundaries. Upturned folds are called anticlines and down turned folds are called synclines.
Answer: Sunday at 12h.
Explanation: The timezones are determined by the meridians, i.e., the longitudinal lines that crosses the Earth from pole to pole.
The initial referential is at GMT, abbreviation for <u>Greenwich</u> <u>Mean</u> <u>Time</u>, located at the Royal Observatory in the United Kingdom.
The Earth rotates 360° in 24 hours, so each 15° is exposed to the Sun for 1 hour. So, at each 15° we add an hour if the location is due to east or subtract an hour if the location is due to west.
Addis Ababa is located at 40°, which is in the band between 30° and 45°.
Counting from the referential, there are 3 timezones going east. So, we add 3 hours to the initial hour:
9h + 3h = 12h
And the day is the same since the difference is only 3 hours ahead.
Thus, fans located at 40° east will watch a football match on Sunday at 12h.