La respuesta correcta en esta pregunta sería: Gael García Bernal, un Mexicano nacido en Guadalajara, en 1978, que ha trabajado no solo con los mejores directores de cine del mundo, como el muy aclamado Pedro Almodóvar, o, con el director de Amores Perros, que fue la primera que lo catapultó hacia la fama, y hacia varios premios internacionales, sino que ha aparecido en múltiples producciones tanto en Estados Unidos, como América Latina y Europa.
Gael García también fue muy reconocido por su gran papel en Diarios de Motocicleta, la película sobre la vida y recorrido del Ché Guevara, una de las más grandes figuras del comunismo en América Latina.
Gael García, aparte de actor, es director, productor y actor de teatro
Rifle with 3 bullets
A mousse
Product made from milk
A steak
Doesn’t eat any animal product
Un recuerdo que tengo que nunca podra olvidad es cuando fui a El mundo de Disney con mi familia. Estaba en el segund grado y mi tia y tio vinieron de Mexico a visitar pues planiamos a ir a el Mundo de Disney para que se disfrutan su visita aqui. Mi mama, mi papa, hermana, y mi tio y tia estabamos todos juntos en el Mundo de Disney. Senti tan feliz, quisiera que pudria ir patras en tiempo para recrear ese dia.
Translated: One memory I have that I will never be able to forget is my trip to Disney World with my family. I was in the second grade and my favorite aunt and uncle came down from mexico to visit. So we decided to plan something big and extravagant so they can enjoy their time here in the states. My mom, dad, sister, aunt and uncle were all together in Disney World. I was so happy, I wish I can go back in time and recreate that moment.
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good luck, i hope it helped
Maria Nsue Angue was the first woman author who published a novel in Equatorial Guinea. Her book, Ekomo, was very controversial because it veered away from the traditional way of writing. It also tackled issues that have not been tackled before. This is due to her being a woman.
Her novel in some ways reflected the current situation in society. However, it also deals with how women goes beyond the societal restrictions. Because of this novel, readers are not only made aware of the real situation but also given the opportunity to reevaluate their lives and do something about it. Not merely submitting to what was imposed on them based on their gender and ethnicity.