D. She thinks that women who serve in the palace are freer and happier than those who do not.
Your Welcome;)
The quarantine speech was presented by president Roosevelt where he called the positive endeavours to quarantine the land hungry dictators. He did not directly mention any country, although the speech was focused on the Nazi Germany, the Japan's empire, and the Kingdom of Italy.
He mentioned in his speech that the spread of violence and war is like a contagious disease, he said that, when a few members get infected by a contagious disease, the country tries to destroy them, the same treatment should be done with them who try to break a country's peace through violence.
After the last expansion, gold was discovered at Sutter's' Mill, bringing many more Americans from the East, and benefitting them greatly, even bringing in people from outside America. This revolutionized America's economy. Manifest Destiny brought money, land, resources, and a strengthened economy to the Americans.