Option b: Detachment; individuation
Mental health is simply sate to be an state of being fine. It is that which the masses or individual recognisess their efforts and can cope with the normal life activities and struggling can work productively and is able to make a lasting impart to the society.
It is determined Social, psychological, biological factors and Socio-economic pressures/ impact.
Child and adolescent mental health is that type of Mental disorders are a common chronic condition in young individuals as it cause significant burden and disability and time of rapid social, cognitive, physical change
A panic attack
According to the DSM-V, a panic attack refers to an episode in which the individual experiences intense fear and discomfort that reach a peak within a few minutes during which the individual experiences physical symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, breathlessness, sometimes accompanied by the <u>fear of losing control, </u>going crazy or dying. These episodes<u> doesn't seem to be triggered by an specific situation.</u>
In this example, Darcy is sitting at her desk and without warning she has feelings of intense fear and <u>she's afraid of losing control</u>, <u>nothing she was doing at the time would seem to have caused such an episode</u>. We can see that Darcy has this fear of losing control and that this episode doesn't seem to be triggered by an specific situation. Therefore, we can say that her symptoms mos resemble a panic attack.
Rosa Parks or Emily Davison
Rosa Parks fought for equality and against segregation, by not giving up her seat on a bus in 1955. At the time, buses and other forms of transport were segregated between white skins and black skins. Black people had to sit at the back and whites at the front. If there were no more spaces and a white person came onto the bus, the black person would have to give up there space. Rosa Parks however, didn't do this and refused to move for a white man. This resulted in her getting arrested, but it paved the way for the future.
For example, even now, she still has an affect, seeing as buses aren't segregated at all.
Emily Davison gave up her own life by throwing herself under the King's horse at the Epsom derby in 1913. Though her direct intention isn't known, she was a suffragette fighting for women to get the right to vote. Her and other women eventually won this battle and now women are allowed to vote