Failure of France to put down slave revolution in Haiti
It's believed that the failure of France to put down a slave revolution in Haiti, the impending war with Great Britain and probable British naval blockade of France – combined with French economic difficulties prompted it.
The British Empire controlled the colonies and they were considered an extension of the crown. The colonies had additional rights other that any other person had under the crown. The colonies were mostly funded by the crown so they were legally bidden through the laws of Great Britain. The colonies did not like pay taxes to a "king" that was thousand of miles away.
George Washington was the first president
In 1929, after an extended period of financial boom, prices on the U.S. stock market crashed, leading to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Savings disappeared overnight, and many banks ran out of cash on hand as consumers raced to the banks to retrieve their money. The resulting economic depression lasted until the beginning of World War II.