* Yo necesito sapatos,cincho y unos calcetines
*Mi primera clase empieza alas 7:15 a.m
*Yo tengo seis clases
*Ami me gusta hablar en español, y leer en la clase de en la clase de arte de lenguas
*I hope this helps you
Answer: Write a comparative analysis of two celebrations.
To express similarities
Spanish English
further; also in addition; also
just like the same as
like so; like
in the same manner (way)
in the same manner (way)
tan + [adjective] + as as + [adjective] + as
both / a (s) + [noun] + and as many / much + [noun] + as
To express differences
Spanish English
unlike unlike
despite in spite of
although although
instead on the other hand
more / less ... than more / less ... than
however nevertheless; however
on the contrary on the contrary
on the other hand
however nevertheless; however