Classical in my words would be something that is favored now that was favored in the past. favored meaning worshiped, liked, acknowledged, respected, so on and so forth. Greece is in my book a prime example for classic because for one, im pagan Hellenic and for two it was one of the "CLASSICAL" and first well known (now and then) civilizations and other civilizations based there beliefs off of the Greek civilization like the Romans when they overtook the Greek and they based there religion off of there gods lie Poseidon being Neptune and Zeus becoming Jupiter so on and so forth.
High definition television also called advanced television because of the technological innovations used in its manufacturing. It has improved the quality of picture films and ensured high-quality sound and there termed as the next generation of television. The government planned to set for one standard because a new product in the market whose standard is not set could result in inferior quality. Secondly, one standard allows the states to work together and expand their commercial ties.
This is where we get our democracy because the greeks had a very similar government system like us.
The Aztecs were able to establish an extensive emipre in a short time because of the belief they had in their gods. Everyone worseshiped the gods and their ideas so theuir was no problem ruling.The more the people were controled, the more the king could focus on the empire and building. No wonder they have such amazing buildings.