1. Horizon narrowed and widened, and Dipped and rose. And at all times, its edge was jagged with waves to represent thrust up in points like rocks.
2. These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt and tall, and each froth-top was a problem in small-boat navigation.
Adult golden and bald eagles have distinguishing characteristics in their coloring making it easy to identify the species. Both are large birds with dark brown bodies. The adult bald eagle has a noticeable white head and tail while the golden eagle has a brown head with “golden” feathers on the back of their necks. The adult bald eagle has a large, yellow beak, while the golden has a slightly smaller black beak. Golden eagles are referred to as booted eagles, since they are feathered all the way down their legs to the tops of their feet, while the bald eagle’s feathers stop a few inches from the tops of their feet.
Death of a Salesman explores the psychological chaos of the protagonist, the aptly-named Willy Loman, his belief in providing for his family and leaving a legacy behind after death, and the capitalist society's impact on his life. ... The aforementioned struggle to provide for his family drives Willy to his death.
he function of setting and atmosphere in Death of a Salesman correspond with one another to show the importance of the Loman household, the time period of the play, and Willy's flashbacks. ... He wishes that he could go back and live in that time period.
The Greatest Showman is a musical about P T Barnum and how he created a circus. The characters played their roles beautifully, specifically Zendaya and Keala Settle. The way that the songs were interlaced with the characters movements and actions was spot on and perfectly in sync. One weak point would be when Rebecca Ferguson is lip singing Never enough on stage, and she doesn't pull it off smoothly. The overall message that you are perfect just the way you are is portrayed beautifully throughout the entire movie.
you and I both enjoy ballet , aren't we?