From your picture,it looks like you're from nigeria.
The best you can do when its about this topic CONSONANTS, go through dictionary (Oxford advanced learning) and compare all the options to the given word. Dear sister try it and you'll become master at answering consonant questions.
Answer:he was pratically there leader and strongest helper
It’s definitely not C, and B is rather odd. That leaves A and D. However, D is mostly about contradicting the main statement. That leaves A. To see evidence, the paragraph mostly talks about this.
I hope this helps and that this is the correct answer.
These 2 are most likely correct
A) Sotomayor is creating a tone of confusion that will challenge the audience to ask their own questions.
B) Sotomayor develops a structure of repetition so the audience is better able to answer the questions.
The most best answer has to be those I hope this helps my friend! ^^
It clearly explains the book’s topic.
This answer was my first thought because we as readers get the idea of the books topic, which is modern dance. I wouldn't say that it provides interesting "hook" nor it adds any credibility to the author. And after some thinking it's not the last option for sure, even tho the book is written by an expert, it still only mentions what the book is about.